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Elevation 2020

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Elevation 2020 is Grounded.

A letter from the director of Elevation Belly Dance Extravaganza regarding Elevation 2020 Status as of 5/28/20.

Dearest Elevation Community…

Welcome to today!


Every day is an adventure filled with new normals and also a surreal day to day turning into weeks and months. I hope that YOU are finding ways to dance through the days and pivot around the complications. I hope you are finding hope and happiness within your moments.


I am here with a sad announcement. After attempting to make things happen in a virtual reality, I have decided that the hurdles are too big for me this year, and Elevation 2020 is now being officially cancelled.


I believe strongly in co-creating our dance community and I take the role that I play in this process seriously. My wish is to add value and build more community connection and opportunities each year. I am sorry that I will not be able to contribute this year, at least not at this moment in time.


I will be initiating refunds to all who have not already received them starting tomorrow (5/29/20) and everyone should have already received an email regarding this.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email, and allow a couple days for a response. You can also text me at 303-748-7689 for a faster response.


Please know that I do not make this decision lightly, and I wish only the best for our community. I will keep you posted regarding what is in store for 2021 and any other plans that come about. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your vote of confidence and support! I wish all of you a very healthy and inspired 2020. May we all find ways to become stronger, smarter and more grateful through this journey. 


Please do not hesitate to reach out to share your plans, discuss collaborative ideas or just to connect personally.


May your shimmies be fast and your smiles be bright until we all can dance together again-


Be safe, dance often-

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