All Levels Dance!
Everyone is welcome in Elizabeth’s Virtual Dance PlayHouse!
Delve into dance movement from your head to your toes, with extra special attention on the hips and torso!
Embrace all aspects of moving your body to create the shapes and rhythms. We will put a few sequences together that will promise to give your body and mind a much needed weekly playdate! We will explore movements and techniques from many arenas, with a strong emphasis on modern fusion of belly dance skills.
This live class is an excellent compliment to the Shimmy Off the Stress Series classes! With that class you can practice 5 minutes per day on your own, and then attend this live class to get live instruction and ask questions!
Sundays 10:00-10:55am MT
(Zoom will open at 9:50am MT, and zoom will stay open 15 minutes after classes to nurture and prioritize social connections)
Nobody is turned away for lack of dough. Any amount is accepted. Dance is Self Care!